In the name of ALLAH the most Merciful the most Compassionate.
Dear Brothers and sisters, Alsalamu Alaykum
ALLAH all mighty said in the holy Quran Only "those shall maintain Allah's mosques, who believe in Allah and Last Day, and establish prayer and give zakat, and fear no one except Allah. They, hopefully, will be among the guided.” (9:18)
Alhamdillah we have been guided by the grace of Allah to have an Islamic Center and it should be without mentioning that this is but a milestone and there is still much to be done..
1- There is about a $198,000 note with the bank which leaves us with about a $1,500 monthly payment
2- About $500 for utilities and expenses. Also, the maintenance of the New Center is required.
We therefore are pleading for your monthly support and commitment, previously this was $20 for a single member and $40 for a family while today it is open to whatever one may be willing to commit. As reminder this a never-ending charity that will follow you when ever one prays and worships in this masjid. Don't miss this opportunity! Reply back with your name and your monthly commitment.
Tulsa Islamic Foundation